Dog Park Tips & Etiquette

  • Make your first visit without your dog to familiarize yourself with the site (parking, access gates, etc). Make your initial doggie visit at a time that is not as busy. Daytime hours during the week and late afternoons on the weekend are generally quiet times at the dog park.

  • Remember that many dogs who visit the dog park are not socialized to children. Keep children close and allow no running, screaming or food. Do not allow your children to approach a dog without permission from the dog’s handler.

  • Know your dog! Not all dogs are good candidates for off-leash dog parks. If your dog has not had regular interaction with other dogs, it may lack the necessary social skills to make your visit safe and enjoyable. Check for training schools that offer remedial socialization classes for adult dogs or for trainers who will work with you at the off- leash dog park. Socialize young puppies (8-16 weeks of age) at a puppy kindergarten class, not at the dog park.

  • Let your dog off-leash as soon as you arrive within the boundaries of the park. Mixing leashed and unleashed dogs commonly causes problems. Leashed dogs often feel threatened by the free dogs and will display provocative body language and defensive behavior. If you are uncomfortable about letting your dog off-leash, do not visit the off-leash park.

  • Keep walking! Walking, rather than sitting or standing will help minimize defensive and territorial behaviors. This means that your dog is more likely to pass another dog with a friendly sniff instead of a stare down.

  • Be aware that dogs have different play styles, temperaments and physical abilities. Many dogs love rambunctious play, but some dogs suffer from injuries and some are more timid and aloof. Always respect the wishes of the handler and be prepared to move to another area of the park if your dog is too rambunctious. Leash up and leave if your dog is acting in an aggressive manner.

  • Utilize the “Small Dog” area as needed. Dogs need not be small to use it! The area can help dogs get used to others through the fence and familiar with the park. Use the Small Dog Zone for timid, nervous, unsocialized or young dogs. When they’re ready, you can introduce them to the “Large Dog” zone.

Small actions, multiplied by thousands of visitors, are what keep our off-leash dog areas a success!